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Sailing around the world...

​ problem at a time!

Welcome to our sailing journey around the world! are excited to share adventure with you and keep updated on our progress. We will start in the Mediterranean, cross the Atlantic, and join WorldARC to complete a full circumnavigation back to the Caribbean. Our aim is to complete this journey by May 2026. Follow along and join us on this incredible voyage!

The Journey So Far...


Date: 16 Jul 2021

Location: Nottingham, UK

We bought a boat! The contract was signed for the purchase of a NEEL 51 Trimaran. A boat that we had never seen in anything other than YouTube videos - what were we thinking!?


Visited the NEEL factory

Date: Nov 2021

Location: La Rochelle, France

After signing the contract we were invited to La Rochelle to visit the factory and discuss options. We also got to meet other NEEL owners and stepped foot aboard a NEEL 51 for the first time. We liked it (thank goodness)!


Farewell UK, hello Cyprus!

Date: 12 Jul 2022

Location: Cyprus

After some outstanding leaving parties, we re-located to Cyprus where we eventually intended to set-off from on our around-the-world adventure.


Finding a home for LtD

Date: Feb 2023

Location: Ayia Napa Marina, Cyprus

After driving the entirety of the Cyprus coast looking for places where we could moor 'Living the Dream', we decided on Ayia Napa Marina. The size, available space, and excellent service were just what we needed as we learned our new boat.


Taking delivery

Date: May 2023

Location: La Rochelle, France

The day arrived, and the LTD was ready. Virginia and Charles flew from Cyprus to France and the NEEL factory to take her over. After lots of walkthroughs, paperwork and training, LTD was named and part of the family.


Making delivery

Date: May/Jun 2023

Location: France - Cyprus

Now, LTD was part of the family; we needed to get her home. Charles, with a willing band of amazing volunteers, sailed her from France to Cyprus. Three weeks of available sailing time to cover over 3000 miles: no problem!!


Getting ready

Date: Jul 2023 - Jul 2024

Location: Cyprus & Turkey

Once in Cyprus, the family needed to learn how to sail and operate their soon-to-be new home. A trip to Turkey for sailing courses, plus lots of weekends aboard, were just the ticket.


Some practice travel

Date: Jan 2024 - Jul 2024

Location: Egypt, Italy, Jordan...

Cyprus is an amazing country both in itself, and in for the opportunities it provides for travel in the region. We were determined to take advantage!


And we're off

Date: Jul 2024

Location: Cyprus

Faster than expected, the day arrives when we move from our house onto a boat and set sail around the world. Despite, literally years of preparation time, to say we were ready would be over-stating it!



Date: 27 Jul - 24 Aug 24

Location: Greece

After a somewhat shaky start, we finally managed to put the finishing touches to organising the boat before setting off across the Greek Islands. Making steady progress, we managed to stick (more or less) to schedule; visiting some amazing anchorages along the way. Sadly for Findlay and Tillie, this period also saw the start of boat school!



Date: 26 Aug - 18 Sep 24

Location: Sicily & Sardinia

Midway between Greece and Sicily, the mainsail halyard snapped! We were, therefore, extremely grateful for the availability of marine services in Syracuse. An eventful month of cruising saw us climb volcanoes, visit friends and split the spinnaker as a squall increased the wind by over 25Kts just as we were Gybing. Virginia's new rule: no using the big red sails!

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